In Love Once Again

O my dear heart! What had happened to you? I want to know, give me clue. The reason of seriousness you say, Does the past have come your way? Or there is something new, Which I can say fluke. Something is there with you, Not only mine, it is everyone’s view, You start thinking of someone, Even when you are in crew. What is in you O my heart! From where does it start? Say to me and make it clear, Does you have found someone, Whom you can say ‘Dear’, I want to know that, Assuring you with great interest, Tell me, who is that ‘Dearest’? Don’t be shy boldly say, That you are in love anyway, Since I am observing these, From that very day, When someone special has, Entered your way. Neither she is supernal, Now she is angel, Also she has no dimple, She is simple and shy, She likes beautiful eyes. But O my dear, in her eye, I want to die, I will die. ...