उन्हें भी हम याद आते होंगे, के जिनको हम याद कर रहे हैं

मैं और मेरी आवारगी - A vs B - Once Upon A Time in KV DLW ये कैसे मुमकिन है हमनशीनों, के दिल को दिल की खबर न पहुंचे, उन्हें भी हम याद आते होंगे, के जिनको हम याद कर रहे हैं. मेरे ख्यालों की रहगुज़र से, वो देखिये वो गुज़र रहे हैं, True friends are hard to find, but then all of you came into my life. You came to me in a perfect time, I'm so happy you w're a friend of mine. We've been together for so long, in a fantastic place where we belong. We shared the mysteries of our life, Laughter and tears are seen in our eyes. You w're with me and I'm with all of you, All of you comfort me and I care for you. A part of me becomes part of all of you, True friendship I've found in all of you. Yes it's true we'll be apart, Coz I'm here and all of you were here & there. With all of my friend I want to Pledge, Whatever happens we'll be FRIENDS FOREVER! Ipshita Banerj...