The Programmer's Day

The System hanged up The Processor got stuck The RAM is beeping Sighing the word WTF... Who is she... Silicon Chip or Intel ChipSet, Static RAM or SDR , or Dynamic RAM with DDR, and sometimes resolution so afar, as if Latest Graphic GDDR*×_ or else Flashy Flash Memory, which leads to drained Battery ! Running all the Operating System, be it iOS or Android, The Insight ... still Null and Void ! so both look out of Windows, while Memory sighs and blows, Who is She... Who is She ...? only .....God knows ? Neither the HDD; HardDiskDrive, Nor the SSD; SolidStateDrive, You are the NGT; NextGenerationThrive... Exis of Beau, Co-Ordinates of Beauty, Matrix of Beauteous... The BEAUTIFUL ! Romantic RAM, Magnificent Memory, Cute ChipSet, Pretty Processor, Marvelous Motherboard, Superb System, Stunner Screen, Sensuous TouchPad, Panache Programming, Appealing Application, Wrenching WiFi, Hottest HotSpot, Model Mo...