Never Say to Die

She has a desire to live in her eye,
She always says ‘No’ to die,
Moreover as she is beauty arena,
That’s why I named her DIANA.

A small wish inside her heart,
In that having a sweet thirst,
Beautiful, modest, simple and shy,
I found these looking into her eye.

Her smiles are like twinkling star,
Her face infers the moon so far,
Her eyes are like pearl,
How god had carved this girl,
Her feeling for everyone is sheer
She will prove it,
When you would go near.

Whenever she becomes serious,
I know what goes in her brain,
Past clings refreshes again,
Her heart becomes full of pain,
But to anyone she never explain,
Oh my almighty!
Where does she hides all her pain?

To bring spring all her way,
A prince will come one day,
Who will take her away,
Far from us,
Giving a loneliness thus,
That very loneliness, how could I bear?
O God come to me and make it clear,
What would I do?
When my eyes become full of tears.

But I know it from start…
To meet,
To know,
And then to depart,
Is the saddest story of human heart.

                                 - Abhay Kumar Rai


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