Send me the address!

Send me the address!Where is the hand?
The first rose, that too red,
Whom I had handed,
I want to have hand in hand,
With you O! My friend,
Send me the address!!!

Where is the stair?
Where I proposed you,
The hearts blew,
And became One out of two,
I want those faster heart beats,
Send me the address!!!

Where is the eye?
Beautiful and gazing,
Piercing down the brains & razing,
Straight to my heart dazing,
I want to see those eyes,
Send me the address!!!

Where is the face?
Beautiful & pretty,
Drop dead beauty,
Graceful but girls envy,
I want to see that savvy,
Send me the address!!!

Sounds of friends foes cry,
Are deafening me,
I don’t know why,
They are saying me good bye!
Wandering, flying up in the sky,
My soul is looking for yours,
Please do send me the address!!!

                                  - Abhay Sushila Jagannath 


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