"I want to see you on TOP, Believe in yourself "

Goddess Minerva !!!

My memories,
Golden days of my childhood,
Close to my heart, very sweet,
Rainy days brought drizzling music,
And we boogie like gypsy on street,
With all our boats in the rainy sea,
Sailing as we were Kings & Queens,
The whole world down under our feet …

Teenage memories,
The heart learnt “Love”,
We all felt its beat,
Beautiful, Gorgeous & Stunning Girls,
Some Goddess Durga, Some Mary,
Some Fatima or Zarah,
I too saw the soul of Minerva,
Inspirational, Motivational and Illuminating,
Goddess of wisdom, knowledge and writing,
Felt & sensed her insight, 
So powerful and en-lighting !

Even today ! 
Whenever I loose my focus,
She comes thus,
Illuminating like sun ray,
Inspires me and say,
"I want to see you on TOP,
Believe in yourself " 
Motivating me this way !I call that Eva,
Goddess Minerva !!!

                     - Abhay Sushila Jagannath


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