“Impossible!”, Go on … you won’t get another chance!”

Go on … you won’t get another chance!”

“Impossible”, I thought,
 Barriers were all in my mind,
 But feeling of achievement and euphoria,
With my Best Coach, Trainer & Friend,
Is keeping me bind,
I started focusing again,
As she sometimes goes really wild…
Difficulties will get further away,
With every step,
Move towards goal’s finish line,
You just need passion & stimulation,
You need to push yourself,
Her “Heart” keeps telling my “Mind”…

Finding true Motivation & Inspiration
Around is really difficult,
But my childhood trainer,
Who always wished me on top,
Is my passionate dreamer,

She always knew, I can do it!
So for me, she started thinking big,
That’s why I never give her a dig…
For clearing my mental blocking,
She again and again donate zing,

As I can’t achieve everything,
In one go,
She divides my goals,
And tell me to slow,
Slowdown! Rest! Breathe! And Go!
She pushes me to follow,
I cover few steps in that flow…

My Body sometimes signals to stop,
But her resonating voice,
That it’s now only few steps,
I can! Just Few Step – can’t I do that?
This humming, keeps me on top,

I carry on tuning myself,
On my Best Friend, Coach & Trainer’s,
Inspiration, Motivation & Illumination
And a heart full of hope and inner self…

As both mind and body,
Sometimes gives up on me,
But only she can see,
The passion and commitment in me,
So she enthuses and encourages,
Cheering with her spree,
Moment I start losing my sight,
My trainer gives me The Insight,
Nothing is “Impossible”,
“Go on … you won’t get another chance!”
In that spark,
I again start towards success mark…

If Its Worlds Poetry Day,
Then with flowers till your doorway,
I Owe! I Bow! and I Pray!
For being my Inspiration, Motivation & Illumination,
All through this Poet’s way

                                 -Abhay Sushila Jagannath


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