Best Friend !

Finding fellow,
Is “easy”,
In an old snap,
Though “easier”,
Dreaming in nap,
Rather “easiest”,
In beats if heartiest chap,
For whom,
Emotions over whelm,
Specially every time &, every day,
My Best Friend !
You are "The One" of them ...
My treasurable precious gem ...)

                        - Abhay Sushila Jagannath

Finding fellow,
Is “easy”,
In an old snap,
Though “easier”,
Dreaming in nap,
Rather “easiest”,
In beats if heartiest chap,
For whom,
Emotions over whelm,
Specially every time &, every day,
My Angel, Angelica !
You are "The Only One" among them ...
My treasurable precious gem ...)

 Somewhere I read,
That wishes of B’Day,
For a friend,
Whose friendship,
You cherish and value,
Always come true !
So here is my wish,
Every avenue that you choose in life,
May you reach the bliss !

Abhay Sushila Jagannath

दुआएं दिल से निकलती हैं,
आँखों से नहीं !
हमने तुझे भी देखा है ऐ दोस्त,
आँखें बंद कर इबादत करते हुए !

और वैसे भी न्यूटन बाबा कह कर गए
जो लोग दूसरों को दुआएं देते हैं,
दुआएं वापस खुशियां बन मिल जाती हैं !

                                                    - अभय सुशीला जगन्नाथ 

An old friend is treasure,
A gem to cherish,
On your B’day here is my wish,
Every avenue that you choose in life,
May you reach the bliss !

Wish You A very very Happy B’Day 

                                   - Abhay Sushila Jagannath

My Dear Friend,
A wish for you this eve,
whatever you ask may you receive,
whatever you seek may you find, 
whatever you wish, 
may it come your ways,
on your birthday and always.

                             - Abhay 
Sushila Jagannath

My Dear Friend  
A wish for you this eve, 
Whatever you ask,
may you receive,
Whatever you seek,
may you find, 
Whatever you wish, 
may it come,
Your ways,
on your birthdays,
and always...

  - Abhay Sushila Jagannath

On Your Birthday,

And Coming Days,
Stay Blessed,
Remain Healthy,
And Happy Always !             

                     - Abhay Sushila Jagannath

The Joy and Happiness,
That two hands can’t hold,
Wishing you, Health, Wealth and Cheers,
That this Birthday will certainly unfold  !

                                             - Abhay Sushila Jagannath

When friends wishes for,
Health, wealth and joy are there,
And family sprays your life,
with needful love and care,
Then you never miss any happiness flare,
On this B’Day, this is our prayer,
Wish all of this don’t go anywhere,
And you enjoy life’s all bliss,
Ware or Unaware !

                           - Abhay Sushila Jagannath

जब जब तू सज़दा करेगा,
मिलूंगा मैं हर नमाज़-ए-पहर 
तेरे हाथों की हथेली से,
महसूस करूँगा, तुझे छु कर ,
अज़ान में मैं मिला करूँगा,
खुदा संग, हर नमाज़-ए-सहर !

                                - अभय सुशीला जगन्नाथ 

A Birthday full of Fun  ,
A day that would bring,
Wealth, Cheers & Joy a Ton,
May all your wishes come true,
and make this year a memorable One !

Your B'Day came and went,
Wishes for Health & Wealth,
that earlier I should have sent,
But Sorry Dear , I Haven't 
NOW ! Today !
Even though this message,
Comes to you little bit late,
The wish that brings...
Health, Wealth and Happiness
is good on any day or date...

                                  - Abhay Sushila Jagannath

My one of the dearest one !

You are such an important person to me and such a big part of my life. I can’t imagine not having you in it !

Sometimes life gives us treasures in the form of loving people. You are one of those gifts and I’m thankful for that.

                              - Abhay Sushila Jagannath

You are one of the strongest,
most resilient people I know...

A person who never fails,
any single chance,
to fuck up humor,
better than anyone,
to make me laugh,
and remind me of
what's truly important....

and last but not least
who has been there for me,
 through thick and thin !

You have always been a true friend.
                                             - Abhay Sushila Jagannath

I want you to know,
you mean so much,
to me to show...

Forget !
Days, Months and Years...
Together, what we spent !
I cherish ,
every single moment !

As for me you are...
Funny, Inspiring and at the same time,
Important and Decent !
Here is my wish,
as a BDay present...

May the year be filled with,
Adventure and Excitement,
as our Teenage,
A Long-Dormant 

 Abhay Sushila Jagannath

May this day be filled,
With all the joy and cheer,
On eve of this birthday to value,
I wish may all you dreams come true,
And Today with Tomorrow be best for you...

- Abhay Sushila Jagannath

Some friends are,

favorite secret keeper !

Here is Cheers to another year,

of shared memories, 

unforgettable adventures, 

and endless laughter...

on his B day, who tries,

to make everything better....

Wishing one of bestie, 

an eventful year 

and the best day ever...

                           -  Abhay Sushila Jagannath


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