With You ! After So Many Years

Once Upon A Time,
I wrote … Without you …

But Today
When I am with you,
for the first time,
after so many years…
I am Exultant,
with you…
I am content

With you...
The stars are more twinkling,

Immortal sun shining brighter,
Flowers are more blossoming,
Happiness is more blooming…

Seeing You…
I was stunned and astonished
Wao ! Gorgeous and Exquisite!
Your heavenly grace was so brilliant,
Momently I felt like loving you,
to the height of highest extent,
My heart was beating,
as if I am triumphant,
I am jubilant …

Loving You …
Is my desire, my passion,
with each passing day,
with some more determination,
Because the way you love me,
is more than my dedication,
my reciprocation…
I am blissful and am exultant,
with all your complementation …
My heart beats faster …
on all your attention and affection,
and one day I would also prove,
Its heavenly ! Our love is divine,
with all my true love devotion !

                                 - Abhay Sushila Jagannath



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