When first you wrote SAS,
Then changed it to,
ASA from SAS…
Promptly I claimed,
That it all started with you,
And will end too,
Beloved its “SAS” I knew,
You replied,
Its “ASA”, don’t argue,
Ok Ok Ok !
Let’s clear the dew…
We met in childhood,
And from day one,
I started loving you,
You started loving me too,
We both loved each other,
Making perfect love triangle,
Day by day, as we grew...
And when I got the insight,
Its ASA for SAS,
Excitingly my mind blew...
ASA for SAS,
Wish for Life,
Zindagi ki Saans,
From adolescence, that I knew !

                                - Abhay Sushila Jagannath


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