First time !

First time,
When I saw you,
At the gate,
In the school class break,
I was stunned with heartache,
Amazingly beautiful with divine grace,
I was so lost that created blockage,
You forcibly made your way,
Almost pushing,
And making unique signature face,
Rosy lips moved left,
Frowned eyes alerting menace,
Whole class laughed at me,
And then came your pretty smile,
The deadly and lethal smile,
I blushed and heart ached for a while,
When I had the first glimpse,
of those heavenly gorgeous eyes,
You made the first eye contact with style,
The whole world,
As if stopped for a while,
Then when I smiled !
You blushed and flushed,
With your graceful signature style !
I had fallen in love,
First time !

                 - Abhay Sushila Jagannath


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