How are we two, but soul one !

Every time I feel you within,
I am perplexed , I am stunned,
How are we two, but soul one !
Even at that very time,
When there was none,
The moon was there and the sun,
When I met with you, the special one,
Then it all started, the love begun,
We no more remained two,
By heart and soul, we became one,
Enjoying every moment as a fun.

Sadness remain far from us,
Happiness always comes as game,
If anything happens to you,
Amazingly I felt the same,
If you have something to worry
Truly I can feel that strain.

What is that, I can’t explain
How it goes, how it happen,
If it’s ‘Mystery’, it will remain,
But on this earth, it will repeat,
Again and again, again and again…

                           - Abhay Sushila Jagannath


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