One Year ! Thousands Year !

 One Year !

One Year,
It’s been one year,
When I flew, with you,
to your fairy view,
Celestial, Heavenly and Spiritual Hew !
Many poetry since then,
flowed form my pen,
to prove that every now and then,
I love you more,
from my heart core !

I wana make you happy,
happier as days passes by,
Smiles and Cheers only to cherish,
without pain, strain and cry !

I wana see you all night,
sleep with you side by side,
wake up with our morning kisses,
after the long love making tide !

My Angel,
you are Archangel my Angelica,
and your love is ecstasy,
but my fairy tale is not so daisy,
cause I am devil of my angel,
somewhat crazy and frenzy,
with wild & exploring fantasy !

My Inspiration,
you are my Motivation and Illumination,
to fight all odds and strive,
and reach height of success in my life,
that you had dreamt for me,
being my thrive, my wife !  

One Year,
it’s been one year,
after 30 Years…
No, No My Dear!
It’s been
thousand years,
since, I am waiting you,
and every birth,
since, I am dating you !
cause from day one I knew,
that I only love you, My Janu, My …..

                                 - Abhay Sushila Jagannath


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