सैराट झालंजी…Sairat Zaala Ji...
अलगुज वाजं नभात
भलतचं झालया आज
अलगद आली मनात
पहिलीच तरणी ही लाज
Alguj Vaaj Nabhaat
The sky echoes soothingly
Beautiful music is getting played slowly in the sky
Bhaltach Jhalaya Aaj
Today something different but beautiful has happened
Algad Aali Manaat
Slowly she entered in the heart soul
Pahilich Tarani Hee Laaj
This is the first blush of young love
अगं झनानलं काळजामंदी
अन हातामंदी हात आलं जी..
सैराट झालं जी..
सैराट झालं जी..
सैराट झालं जी..
Aga Jhananal Kalajamandi
Heart started to beat like the drums
Ann Hatamandi Haat Aal Ji
Your hand came into my hands
Sairat Zaala ji
Wildness spread all over
The heart became wild
बदलून गेलंया सारं
पीरतीचं सुटलंया वारं
अल्लड भांबावल्यालं
बिल्लोरी पाखरु न्यारं.
Badlun Gelaya Saar
Everything has changed
Peertich Sutlaya Vara
These are the winds of love
Alad Bhambhavalyala Billuri Pakharu Nyara
It’s like an innocent fearful beautiful young bird
आलं मनातलं ह्या व्हटामंदी
अन् हातामंदी हात आलं जी
सैराट झालं जी.
सैराट झालं जी.
सैराट झालं जी.
Aala Manaatl Hya Hoatamandhi
What was hidden in the heart came on these lips
Ann Hatamandi Haat Aal Ji
And our hands came together, your hand came into my hand
Sairat Zaala ji
Wildness spread all over
The heart became wild
कवळ्या बनात ह्या…
सावळ्या उन्हात ह्या…
बावळ्या मनात ह्या भरलं …
तुझं गानं मना मंदी
घुमतया काना मंदी
सुर सनईचं राया सजलं…
Kavalya Paanat Hya
Inside this fresh leaves
Savlya Unhaat Hya
In this beautiful morning sunrays
Bavalyaa Manat Hya Bharl Bharl
And this adolescent beautiful heart is filled with love
Tujh Gaan Manamandhi Ghumataay Kanamandhi
Your song is inside heart echoes in ear all the time
Sur Sanaicha Raaya Sajal
I am surrounded by your beautiful tunes music which is played at the auspicious moment
हे सजलं उनं वारं नभ तारं सजलं…
रंगलं मन हळदीनं राणी रंगलं
सरलं हे जगण्याचं झूरणं सरलं..
भिनलं नजरनं इश चारी भिनलं
अग धडाललं…ह्या नभामंदी..
अन ढोलासंग गात आलं जी…
सैराट झालंजी…
सैराट झालंजी…
सैराट झालंजी…
Hey Sajl Unh Vara Nabh Tara Sajl
Sunray, wind, sky, and stars have become beautiful
Rangl Maan Haldi Ne Raani Rangal
Beloved my princes my heart has become colorful like yellow-orange
Sarl Hey Jagnyach Jhuran Saral
Now the days of living in suffering are over, gone
Bhinl Najran Eshchari Bhinal
Just in one glance beautiful poison of love has spread all over me
Aag Dhadadal Hya Nabhamandi
Thunderstorms are happening in the sky
An Dholasang Gaat Aal Ji
And came singing playing music
Sairat Zaala ji
Wildness spread all over
The heart became wild
अकरित घडलया
सपान हे पडलया..
गळ्यामंदी सजलया डोरलं…
साताजन्माचं नातं…रुजलंया काळजातं…
तुला रं देवागत पुजलं..
Aakarit Ghadlaya Sapaan Hey Padlaya
The unthinkable has happened it seems like a dream
Galayamandi Sajlaya Doral Doral
Neck is looking beautiful with the garlands
Saata Janmach Naat Rujalaya Kaaljat
The heart has already confirmed the relationship of seven lives
Tula r Devagat Pujal
I worshiped you like a god
हे… रुजलं बीज पीरतीचं सजनी रुजलं
भिजलं मन पीरमानं पुरतं भिजलं…
सरलं मन मारुन जगणं सरलं..
हरलं ह्या पीरमाला समदं हरलं…
अग कडाललं.. पावसामंदी…
अन् आभाळाला याड लागलं जी / याद आलं जी
सैराट झालंजी…
सैराट झालंजी…
सैराट झालंजी…
Rujal Bij Peertich Sajani Rujal
The seed of the love has been sowed deep within
Bhijal Maan Pirmana Purta Bhijal
The heart has drenched fully in love
Sarl Funn Maarun Jagan Sarl
The days of living in suffering, without love and happiness are over
Haral Hya Pirmala Samad Harl
The love has taken everything
Gave everything to this love
Aaag Kadalal Paavasamandi
In rain lighting has struck
Ann Abhalal Yaat Aal Ji
And the big sky has opened gave a way to big joy happiness
Sairat Zaala ji
Wildness spread all over
The heart became wild
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