On this WOMXNs Day,
I am thinking of women,
As, thoughts lead to sight,
So do I, got this insight !

Does the beauty of “Rose”,
will change by another name ?

No No No ! No No No !
Everyone will cry and shout, in one go !
It will still be beautiful and vibrant,
to whom all the flowers of the garden,
will get down on their knee and bow !

You are the same fabulous and gorgeous,
“Rose” in the garden of human life,
Cause of which humans scented life glows,
So is what I always knew, and still knows,
Your name is just another name,
of that Lovely and Pretty “Rose” !

Happy WOMXNs Day !

मुझे समझ आई अब रानाई है,
womxn !
तुझसे हुई जब शनासाई है...

                 - Abhay Sushila Jagannath



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