Jealous of Divine Beauty

I saw Something Special,
Twinkling in the dark night,
to prettify and beautify,
as shining like starry sky...
Moon also saw,
Two beautiful eyes…
Who is this newbie !
Moon is snoopy…
As SHE walks,
Mysteriously like spooky…
Sorry Moon !
She is neither spooky
Nor she is newbie,
She is…
The Divine Beauty !
Jealous of Divine Beauty,
Moon asked,
One Red rose,
and A White Lilly...
To affront her,
and to bully...
But when she stood !
To everyone’s surprise,
Rose was at it Lows,
and Lilly looked Silly !
On this Land,
and inside the Sea,
On that Air,
and above those Sky...
Hey Moon ! And everyone,
Getup ! Look and See !
Not only you and me,
But perplexed is, The Almighty...
That who had created !
Such Heavenly Divine Beauty...

                         - Abhay Sushila Jagannath


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