सिखर दुपहर सिर 'ते

सिखर दुपहर सिर 'ते

मेरा ढल चल्ल्या परछावां

कबरां उडीकदियां

मैनूं ज्युं पुत्तरां नूं मावां

The sun is over my head

My day is beginning to end

The graves are waiting for me, 

Like mothers for their sons

ज़िन्दगी दा थल तपदा

कल्ले रुक्ख दी होंद विच मेरी

दुक्खां वाली गहर चड़्ही

वगे ग़मां वाली तेज़ हनेरी

मैं वी केहा रुक्ख चन्दरा

जेहनूं खा गईआं उहदियां छावां

कबरां उडीकदियां

मैनूं ज्युं पुत्तरां नूं मावां

my existence  is that of a lonely tree 

in the burning sands

where pain falls like a dark rain

and sorrow swells up in a storm

What kind of a tree am I

That is rotting under its own shadows

The graves are waiting for me, 

Like mothers for their sons

हजरां च सड़दे ने

सुक्खे रोट ते सुक्खियां चूरियां

उमरां तां मुक्क चलियां

पर मुक्कियां ना तेरियां वे दूरियां

रज्ज रज्ज झूठ बोल्या

मेरे नाल चन्दर्या कावां

कबरां उडीकदियां

मैनूं ज्युं पुत्तरां नूं मावां

In separation the breads have turned dry

Our lives might be coming to a close

But there is no closing the gap that is in our fates

I have been lied to – a lot 

by this stupid crow

The graves are waiting for me, 

Like mothers for their sons

लोकां मेरे गीत सुन लए

मेरा दुक्ख तां किसे वी ना जाण्या

लक्खां मेरा सीस चुंम गए

पर मुखड़ा ना किसे वी पछाण्या

अज एसे मुखड़े तों

प्या आपना मैं आप लुकावां

कबरां उडीकदियां

मैनूं ज्युं पुत्तरां नुं मावां

सिखर दुपेहर सिर 'ते

मेरा ढल चल्ल्या परछावां

People have heard my songs

But they did not understand my pain

Many have kissed my forehead

But they did not recognize my real face 

And now using this very face

I am trying to hide my real self 

The graves are waiting for me

Like mothers for their sons

The sun is over my head

This is the beginning of my end

 - Shiv Kumar Batalvi शिव कुमार बटालवी


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