Mother & her Soul, The Lifeline !

Looking towards the setting sun,
fearing a lonely dark night,
I am seeing…
A mother…
with folded hands very tight,
praying while looking upon…
A shiny twinkling star so bright !

Up and above heaven in the sky,
on that dark gloomy night,
I am also seeing…
A glittering light,
in the same star so bright,
as if a soul awaiting for womb,
where it will shine with life delight…

A sun will rise tomorrow,
through the mother’s womb,
and surprisingly !
I am seeing…
both of them burning inside,
to illuminate and enlighten life,
keeping dark  gloomy nights beside !
Both align,
sparkling with shine !
Enlightening and Illuminating,
overcoming the dark dusky time…
Mother & her Soul,
The Earth's Lifeline !

Praying the Shadowy SUNSET,
with the Sanguine SUNSHINE…
I am seeing…
Souls with Chhathi Maa Divine !   

                                    - Abhay Sushila Jagannath 


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